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The effects of estrogen might be affected by large amounts of turmeric. The effects of estrogens might be decreased if turmeric is taken with estrogen. There are many estrogen pills, including conjugated equine estrogens, Premarin, ethinyl estrogen, estradiol and others.

Large quantities of turmeric can interfere with estrogen's effects. The effects of estrogens could be reduced if you consume turmeric in combination with estrogen. Premarin, conjugated estrogens (ethinyl esteradiol, estradiol) and others are examples of estrogen pills.

Turmeric might increase the body's ability to absorb paclitaxel. Paclitaxel may have side effects or effects that are increased by taking turmeric and paclitaxel. Unfortunately, we don't have enough information to be able to say if this is of concern.

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Turmeric is a bright yellow spice. It is commonly used as a flavoring agent and color in Asian cuisine. It has an earthy smell and mild bitter flavor. There is a slight ginger taste. Turmeric is rich in three phytochemicals that naturally occur in Turmeric, including curcumin.

The use of turmeric for chronic conditions like inflammation can help to reduce the damage to your tissues.

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While doctors commonly recommend taking 500 milligrams twice daily with food, the dose that’s right for you depends on your overall health. More isn’t always better, so talk to your doctor.
What are the negative side effects of turmeric? Curcumin supplements are generally considered safe and well-tolerated among most individuals. Turmeric side effects are quite rare and usually mild. However, there are a few potential adverse reactions you should be aware of.

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Depression can cause a reduction in brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF), which causes your hippocampus to shrink, which is responsible for learning and memory. Curcumin may be able to boost BDNF levels, and possibly reverse the decline.
Are you not ready to take a supplement? Although cooking with turmeric won't provide you with a huge health boost, it can be beneficial to include it in your diet.

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Turmeric is a bright yellow spice that is typically used for flavor and color in Asian cuisine. It has an earthy aroma, and its flavor profile is slightly peppery and bitter, with a subtle ginger taste. Turmeric contains three naturally occurring phytochemicals called curcuminoids, the most notable and researched of which is curcumin.
Turmeric has many benefits, including the ability to increase memory and reduce pain. This yellow-colored spice adds flavor to your meals.

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Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. There are many health claims. But what do the studies say?
Turmeric is typically taken orally; however, a significant amount is excreted in feces due to its fast metabolism and poor solubility. There is no set recommended dosage of turmeric, so until a concrete dosing recommendation is made, dietitians will continue to encourage people to incorporate turmeric into their home cooking routine to reap some of its potential health benefits. It pairs well with chicken and fish, is often added to lentil and rice dishes, and can add flavor to vinaigrettes, soups, or stews.