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If you’re wondering “what is turmeric good for,” the answer is almost everything. It’s important to note; turmeric supplements are not a cure for diseases or chronic conditions. But, the unique medicinal properties of curcumin have shown significant health benefits and uses in modern natural medicine.

High doses of turmeric may cause estrogen to stop working. Supplementing estrogen with turmeric may cause estrogen to be less effective.

Obesity can cause many health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Weight loss is easy if you are otherwise healthy. If you have a pre-existing metabolic condition, it can make things more difficult.
The effects of estrogen might be affected if you consume large amounts of turmeric. Combining turmeric with estrogen may decrease estrogen's effects.

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The effects of estrogen might be affected by large amounts of turmeric. The effects of estrogens might be decreased if turmeric is taken with estrogen. There are many estrogen pills, including conjugated equine estrogens, Premarin, ethinyl estrogen, estradiol and others.
Obesity may lead to a variety of health issues including high blood pressure and diabetes, heart disease, stroke, heart disease, and other conditions. Weight loss can be easy for someone otherwise healthy. Pre-existing metabolic disorders can complicate things.

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There is currently no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. However, there are many ways to manage symptoms and flare ups. Research has shown that turmeric supplements may reduce widespread musculoskeletal pain. They inhibit inflammatory pathways and reduce oxidative stress.

The liver can change some medications and break them down. Turmeric could affect how fast these medications are broken down by the liver. This could have side effects or affect the medication's effects.

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The benefits of curcumin that have shown the most potential in treating headaches and migraines are its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The exact mechanisms are unknown, but it appears that turmeric can reduce pain linked to inflammation, and directly inhibit oxidative stress in the body.

The potential of curcumin supplements as anticoagulants (blood thinners) has been demonstrated under certain conditions. Turmeric extract has been shown to impact multiple stages of the coagulation process. This includes hemostasis (stopping bleeding) and thrombosis. More human trials are needed to verify efficacy.

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There are many benefits to using turmeric, such as the ability to improve memory and lessen pain. The yellow-colored spice can do more than enhance the flavor of your meals.
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative bowel disease can result from ongoing inflammation in your gastrointestinal tract. Curcumin is a potent treatment for IBD. Curcumin inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory marker that can be linked to chronic or relapsing GI tract problems.

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Because of its ability to reduce inflammation, oxidation and other harmful effects, turmeric may lower the risk of developing heart disease.
Turmeric could increase the body's absorption of docetaxel. Taken with docetaxel, turmeric may increase side effects and effects.