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Not familiar with turmeric? While you might not have a jar of the spice in your cupboard, it’s likely you are already acquainted. It’s what gives mustard and curry their vibrant coloring.

There is little risk of side effects and interactions between drugs are unlikely. However, you should stop using turmeric if there are any ill effects. Turmeric can cause bloating. There is also a potential interaction with blood-clotting drugs. If you have gallbladder diseases, it is best to avoid turmeric.

When you are depressed, brain-derived neurological factor (BDNF), a type of protein responsible for enhancing learning and memory, can be decreased. Research has shown that curcumin is able to increase BDNF and reverse some of these changes.

Obesity can lead to several different health issues, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and others. If you’re an otherwise healthy individual, weight loss can be pretty straight forward. However, if you have a pre-existing metabolic disorder, things can be a bit more complicated.

turmeric zone 6

At this time, there is no identified cure for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, but there are ample ways to control symptoms and flare-ups. Researchers have evidence to suggest that turmeric supplements may help reduce widespread musculoskeletal pain by inhibiting inflammatory pathways and reducing oxidative stress.
There’s no shortage of health claims about curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. But what does the research say?

turmeric zone 6
turmeric curcumin with bioperine joint pain relief

turmeric curcumin with bioperine joint pain relief

Turmeric extract can be used to treat arthritis and joint pain. Severe arthritis symptoms include restricted range of motion, stiffness in the joints, swelling and a lack of mobility. If left untreated, these symptoms can become more severe and cause permanent damage.
Turmeric is a wonderful addition to any food that needs a golden hue. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which can be beneficial for your health.

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Talk to your doctor before you begin a dietary supplements. These could interact with medications you already take. Turmeric may be used to supplement conventional medicine, but it is not meant to replace your medical care.

Turmeric may increase docetaxel absorption. The effects and side effects of docetaxel could be increased if you take turmeric with docetaxel.

turmeric with black pepper

turmeric capsules ingredients

Turmeric extract can be used to treat arthritis and joint pain. Severe arthritis symptoms include restricted range of motion, stiffness in the joints, swelling and a lack of mobility. If left untreated, these symptoms can become more severe and cause permanent damage.
The main benefits of turmeric for health include antibacterial, antiviral as well anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. The evidence is strong that curcumin also has antifungal effects. Multiple tests showed that turmeric could be used to reduce yeast overgrowth and combat fungal infections.

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There have been some studies that show curcumin supplements could be an anticoagulant. Turmeric extract is effective at reducing blood flow and thrombosis. To prove its effectiveness, more human trials will be needed.
Turmeric is generally safe. There have been few side effects reported. However, some users have reported nausea and diarrhea from higher doses. Before you take turmeric/curcumin for preventive or therapeutic purposes, consult your physician to learn about potential side effects, risk factors, or medication interactions.